Sunday, September 30, 2012

P.retty M.agnificent S.tuff

Like some gals, I too want to rip someone's face off for no apparent reason once a month. It's that feeling that comes over you when you think if you have to hear someone, anyone, take one more breath it will surely be their last. Well I found a temporary cure!!!! It's effects only last during and and a short time after consumption. Yep, you guessed it, chocolate. Well, maybe I can't state I found the cure but I decided baking tasty treats was a great way to convert the potential for violence into sweet goodies. 
I found this recipe the other night around 8:30 and they sounded so good I couldn't resist making them right then. These brownies have a special! Not that special! They have a bit of Irish in them! Guinness beer brownies are now my favorite brownies. These are so wonderful! They're not greasy like box recipes and they have just the right mixture of bittersweet, white and semisweet chocolate to give Midol a run for their money! So the next time you find yourself in the predicament where serious bodily harm to another is surely imminent I suggest you head to the cupboard and bake!!!! Happy cooking!


  1. These look SOOOOO good. I can't wait til you make some to share with the rest of us. (Hint - hint).
    P.S. - I love the title!

  2. Oh, my! Those look scrumptious...and the timing is quite appropriate for my cycle! Perhaps Luke will let me get a Guinness...for culinary purposes, of course! Love you!
