Sunday, January 6, 2013

A Kitchen Full of Men

 This is Jacob aka Jake. He is many things, kind, quiet, thoughtful, a good sport, cute and a whole host of other adjectives. However, one thing he is not.....a chef. Recently Jake was given a new challenge/duty in our house. He is to purchase the food and cook one meal per week for the entire family. Not wanting to give to much instruction on the first meal I let him choose what he wanted to prepare. He chose pancakes, bacon and eggs to those who wanted them. This turned out to be a very positive experience, at least for me, and he is on his way to acquiring some much needed culinary skills!
 These weren't just plain pancakes, can you say chocolate chips!!! Good job Jake! I am looking forward to all the many meals prepared by you, Monday is my new favorite day!

Most girls might find themselves alone when it comes to time spent in the kitchen. If that's the case I'm sorry but I'm not willing to share. I didn't have one man in the kitchen I HAD TWO!!! Dennis and Lance gave a little hand when I prepared savory bread pudding and salmon cakes.
Dennis made an impressive presentation with the chipotle dipping sauce. Sadly, they looked better than they tasted. Fortunately, things were made better by Guinness cake!! Always a hit! Happy cooking!

1 comment:

  1. Where is the picture of the Guinness cake? Did you eat it before you could take one? I can't wait to hear more about Jake's cooking adventures. The pancakes looked delicious.
